Steel City Blend is A 100% Arabica blend with two Great Contenders, Indonesia Old Brown Java & Brazilian Santos. The inspiration came from Sheffield's two Tinsley Cooling Towers, which was a famous Sheffield land mark and inspired me to make this brew. Don't be fooled by this one, our darkest roast of the bunch, packs a kick like no other but grasps onto a wonderful bonfire toffee note, a crowd pleaser and biggest seller within yorkshire, an easy to drink morning wake up call.


What brings you to Sheffield? Try the best coffee in the city

Coffee Shop / Onsite Roastery

Arundel Coach House

203 Arundel Street


S1 4RE

Mon - Friday 8:30 am- 3:30pm

Saturday 9:30am to 3pm

Sunday 10am to 3pm

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